
Affiliate Marketing
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Work at Home #1

10 Uncommon And Unusual Free Product Bonuses

Here are 10 different ideas for you for uncommon and unusual free product bonuses that should be easy to implement:

1. Offline Directory - Create an online directory of offline resources. You could include names, phone numbers, addresses, etc.

2. eBook Of Reviews - Publish an ebook of stuff that's related to your target audience that you could review like products, web sites, movies, etc.

3. Round Table Chat - You could schedule a group chat of people your customers would want to meet and talk to on the internet.

4. Intelligence E-mail Alerts - Allow your customers to sign up to an e-mail alert list. You can alert them when you find out news that could affect their life.

5. Statistics eReport - You could compile a report of different statistics that's related to their purchase. It could be surveys, tests, special studies, etc.

6. Personal Notes eFile - Collect notes that you've taken about your industry and compile them into a downloadable file.

7. Profile eBook - Publish a profile ebook or report of people your target audience are interested in. You can list their birthdays, interests, age, hobbies, etc.

8. E-mail Lessons - Teach a class via e-mail about a subject your customers want to learn. E-mail them study materials, worksheets, assignments, etc.

9. Sample Of Another Product - Give customers a free sample of another product as a bonus. It could be a basic version, excerpt, limited service, etc.

10. To Do List Or Instructions - Publish a list of instructions or things to do in order to accomplish a goal your customers would want to complete.

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